1.1 - This agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") is a distance contract pursuant to art. 50 et seq. Of Legislative Decree no. 6 September 2005, n. 206 ( "Consumer Code"). The Contract for the sale of goods between MG Moto Massimiliano Giordano, owner entity of the shop on line MG Moto Store, with registered office in Palermo (PA), Via Delle Croci 27/29 CAP 90139 (hereinafter referred to as " MG Moto Store ") and the consumer (" Customer "). The Contract is entered directly through the acceptance by MG Moto Store of a purchase proposal issued by the Customer via the Internet in http://www.mgmototore.it website ( "Site") and / or by other names a connected domain, based on the procedures described in Article 3 mode.

1.2 These general terms and conditions ( "Terms") and, in particular, the information referred to in Article. 52 of the Consumer Code, shall remain valid and enforceable until they are amended and / or supplemented by MG Moto Store. Changes and / or additions to the General Conditions will be effective from the date that will be communicated to the public and will apply to sales made after that date. The latest updated version of the General Conditions is available on the Site.


The selling prices of the products shown on the Site and / or through any other means at MG Moto Store away sales systems are inclusive of VAT and all other taxes, except where otherwise noted. The delivery charges are indicated on the Site and / or through any other sales systems at MG Moto Store away.


3.1 - The Contract, in case of purchase proposals submitted through the Site, is considered accepted by sending the order by the customer and an email riepilogativada part of MG Moto Store. With the latter, the customer is informed that their offer is being processed, unless arranged otherwise e-mail or telephone transmitted within three (3) working days. After that period, the Contract through internet is to be considered definitively accepted and will be considered perfected at the time the event occurred as the last of the payment and delivery of goods object of the sale.
3.2 - The customer will be allowed to choose one of the following methods of payment: Paypal, Cartasì and bank transfer.


4.1 -MG Moto Store is committed to make delivery of products to the address indicated by the customer usually within 48/72 working hours from the time of completion of the contract and in any case within 15 (fifteen) days after the conclusion of the Contract.
4.2 - Any complaints will be forwarded by telephone, email, fax or mail using the contact details provided on the Website.


MG Moto Store is committed to promptly notify the Customer of any unforeseen breakdown in stocks due to excess demand or other causes, reserving the right to terminate the purchase contract without penalty.


For products purchased by the customer are applicable rules on guarantees and assistance regarding the sale of consumer goods: 24 (twenty four) months for purchases made by individual customers, 12 (twelve) months for companies of any type that have specified the VAT when buying. For more information about the procedure, see the dedicated to the Legal Warranty page that is an integral part of this sales contract.


Customer represents and warrants that: (i) to be a consumer in accordance with art. 3 of the Consumer Code; (ii) to be adult; (iii) that the data supplied by the same for implementation of the Agreement are true and correct.


8.1. According to the provisions of Articles 64 et seq, and in Articles 52, 53 and 54 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (Consumer Code), the right of withdrawal is the Customer may terminate the Contract by returning the / the product / s purchased / the resulting refund of product excluding shipping costs.
8.2. To exercise the right of withdrawal must be contacted directly in the RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL page inside the site contacts, within 14 working days.
8.3. To exercise the right of withdrawal is necessary to return the / the product / s purchased / i, in excellent condition, never used / i and with original labels and receipt (MANDATORY) inside the package. The returned items must be accurate in order to protect the original covers from any damage, writing or labeling. In the absence of these powers you can not be exercised the right of withdrawal and the / the product / s purchased / s will be sent back to the customer with its charge of shipping.
8.4. If it is impossible to apply the right of withdrawal, since the goods does not reflect the conditions set out in paragraph 3, Mgmotostore will send a notice to the customer, who will be held responsible, exposing their will through mail to email, In absence of such notification, and exceeded 30 days. the date of receipt of the Withdrawal Form, the Mgmotostore may consider their goods and put on sale again. E 'to each client to make sure that the Mgmotostore receives the reply mail.

8.5. The Products must be returned to the following address:
90139 PALERMO (PA)

Delivery Time 9.30 - 13.00 except Saturday and public holidays days.
The refund of the purchase price or the replacement of the Products will take place in about 14 days of receipt of returned goods, after checking the status the goods displayed in step 4.

8.6 For foreign shipments the return of the item, any change of the item is charged to the customer. In case of return, the amount will be refunded by deducting the shipping costs incurred by MGMotoStore for shipping the item.

8.7. The refund of the items purchased with the formula FREE SHIPPING will be calculated on the total amount of the Item / s returned to MGMotoStore defaxing the shipping costs incurred by MGMotoStore for the outward journey of € 10 for Italy

8.9 In the event of a return for purchases made using the Scalapay payment method, €10 will be retained for handling the file.


9.1 Pursuant to and for the effects of the provisions of Legislative Decree of June 30, 2003, No. 196 Code on Personal Data Protection (hereinafter the "Code"), we inform you that personal data provided and / or acquired after order or registration, they are treated by MG Moto Store, in Italy or abroad, through electronic and manual in compliance with the Code and applicable legislation regarding privacy.

Aims of treatment

The data collected are used for the following purposes:
to. sign up to the proposed services;
b. conclusion of contracts for the sale and implementation of the service;
c. realization of the steps necessary to implement the contractual relationship in place;
d. send commercial information, advertising, information and promotion, by any means (email, sms, etc.);
is. implementation, including through telephone contact, market research, economic analysis and statistics in order to check the proper functioning of services and the satisfaction thereof;
f. development of customized information about consumer habits and guidance of those concerned.
The provision of data is required for the conclusion of the purchase contract, while it is optional in other cases. Failure to provide the data and the authorization to the treatment of the same will make it impossible to execute the order.
Categories of recipients to whom the data may be transmitted:
The processing of personal data in question, for the purposes outlined above, can also be performed by individuals or corporations in Italy or abroad, which account for and / or on behalf of MG Moto Store provide specific services or activities connected with, or instrumental support. Therefore, data may be communicated for the same purposes indicated, also: - whoever is legitimate recipient of communications provided by law or regulation (such as, for example, offices and public authorities); - Anyone recipient of communications needed in fulfillment of the obligations arising from services rendered; - Other companies specializing in the management of business information and related credit (such as, eg., Data centers, banks, etc.).
The data will be processed by:
- Employees and / or company MG Moto Store partner for the management of administrative services which would provide to meet its legal or contractual obligations;
- Other entities (firms, companies, individuals) who work exclusively on the implementation of the services and purposes specified, even abroad. These entities act as managers or agents duly appointed and trained, based on the provisions in this Privacy Policy.

Data Retention

All data collected will not be used for other purposes than those above, and will be kept for the period necessary to achieve the same. After that time, the data will be deleted or made anonymous. For detailed data on purchases and services, storage times will not exceed those established by law.

Customers rights

It does not affect the Customer's right to carry at all times the rights under Article 7 (right of access to personal data and other rights) of the Code, in particular: - the right to access their personal information, request correction , updating and cancellation if incomplete, incorrect or collected in violation of existing legislation and to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons, addressing a written request to the address in point 1 above.

Data controller

Holder of the treatment on behalf of MG Moto Store is Massimiliano Giordano., To this end, domiciled in Via Delle Croci 27/29 - 90139 Palermo (PA).


This Agreement is governed by Italian law. Any dispute regarding the application, execution, interpretation and breach of contract will be the Forum in which the customer's residence or domicile, if located in the territory of the Italian State or the Court of Palermo, if the customer has their own resident or domiciled abroad.

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